
This page contains a list of papers that I have found interested or referenced. The papers are categorised by topic and author.

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Name Category Author
EMBER: An Open Dataset for Training Static PE Malware Machine Learning Models Machine Learning Malware Detection Dataset Hyrum S. Anderson Phil Roth
Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Fishing Vessel Behavior Artificial Intelligence Fishing Vessel Behavior Xin Cheng Fan Zhang Xinjun Chen Jintao Wang
Adversarial Attacks against Windows PE Malware Detection: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art Adversarial Attacks Malware Detection Survey Xiang Ling Lingfei Wu Jiangyu Zhang Zhenqing Qu Wei Deng Xiang Chen Yaguan Qian Chunming Wu Shouling Ji Tianyue Luo Jingzheng Wu Yanjun Wu
Machine learning and deep learning Machine Learning Deep Learning Fundamentals Christian Janiesch Patrick Zschech Kai Heinrich
CRISP-DM Twenty Years Later: From Data Mining Processes to Data Science Trajectories Data Mining Data Science Processes Fernando Martínez-Plumed Lidia Contreras-Ochando Cèsar Ferri José Hernández-Orallo Meelis Kull Nicolas Lachich
DMME: Data mining methodology for engineering applications – a holistic extension to the CRISP-DM model Data Mining Engineering Applications CRISP-DM Steffen Huber Hajo Wiemer Dorothea Schneider Steffen Ihlenfeldt
A heuristic approach for detection of obfuscated malware Heuristic Approach Obfuscated Malware Detection S. Treadwell M. Zhou
A survey on heuristic malware detection techniques Heuristic Malware Detection Survey Z. Bazrafshan H. Hashemi S.M. Hazrati Fard A. Hamzeh
Identifying useful features for malware detection in the Ember dataset Malware Detection Ember Dataset Y. Oyama T. Miyashita H. Kokubo
A comprehensive review on malware detection approaches Malware Detection Review Ö. Aslan R. Samet
Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks NLP Knowledge-Intensive Tasks Retrieval-Augmented Generation Lewis, P. Perez, E. Piktus, A. Petroni, F. Karpukhin, V. Goyal, N. Küttler, H. Lewis, M. Yih, W. Rocktäschel, T. Riedel, S. Kiela, D.
Improving language understanding by generative pre-training Language Understanding Generative Pre-training Radford, A. Narasimhan, K. Salimans, T. Sutskever, I.
An application of multi-agent simulation to traffic behavior for evacuation in earthquake disaster Multi-agent Simulation Traffic Behavior Evacuation Planning Disaster Management Seiichi Kagaya Ken'etsu Uchida Toru Hagiwara
ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models Language Models Reasoning NLP AI Agents Shunyu Yao Jeffrey Zhao Dian Yu Nan Du Izhak Shafran Karthik Narasimhan Yuan Cao
Open-source DeepResearch – Freeing our search agents Open Source Search Agents NLP AI Agents Aymeric Roucher Albert Villanova del Moral Merve Noyan Thomas Wolf Clémentine Fourrier